Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Epic fail...

So being in the Halloween spirt I was watching a pumpkin carving contest on the food network. After watching it I thought, wow those people have way too much time on their hands. But I also thought hey maybe I should carve some bad ass pumpkin for my self. Keep in mind I have never carved a pumpkin in my life, and have only watched my mom do it a handful of times. Never the less I was on a mission. I went online and found a place that makes really cool patterns to carve all sorts of cool shit into pumpkins, I of course decided on doing a Boba Fett one. I mentioned to Cory my plans and she said Publix had big pumpkins for cheap (like six bucks!). So I ran over to the store, and sure enough she was right. They also had all their halloween stuff on super sale so I managed to get some carving tools and some little LED fake candles to put inside the pumpkin for super cheap. I got back home and was ready to rock. Well as it turns out carving a pumpkin in the way my pattern was designed to be carved is really, really hard. I doubt it helped that I picked a complicated pattern but regardless hard as hell! Keep in mind this pattern isn't one of those ones were you just cut out a bunch of holes and call it a day, this one was one of those that had shading and what not. Some of the holes you cut all the way through the pumpkin and others you only like shave the skin off. Yea well aparently I don't have the skills to do all that, at least not this complicated. So what follows are pictures of how it should have looked, and then hw mine turned out.

Keep in mind this was just a sample mock up from the site, everything that is black actually would have been the pumpkin's skin color and the lighter colors would have been holes.

Now you can't relly see it in these pics but there is actually a large crack in the top left of the pumpkin...from where I dropped it. Yea right before I took the pics the carving looked a lot different, the helmet had a T-visor in it and some other peices, but as I tried to move it to take the pics it slipped out of my hand and fell to the tile floor. So as the title of this post said...Epic Fail!

I think I am going to give it another shot, not with the same pattern as I have learned that is beyond my skill level. But I am going to get another pumpkin and try something much more simple.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

call me and ill give you my log in info to the stencils, they are much eaiser and dont need shading.