Sunday, November 4, 2007

Only the hard and stong...

So I know it has been forever since I updated this damn thing. But really there is a good reason for that... nothing exciting has been going on for me.

But tonight marked something exciting for me. I pushed my self and did a hundred push-ups. Not all at once, in sets of fifteen to twenty with a minute between each set but still AMAZING! I have never in my life been able to do something like that and when I started on my work out path I could barely do ten now I just did a HUNDRED!!!

Lately I have been sort of down on my progress with my workouts but I took and posted a pic of myself on the 300 boards I frequent next to one I took several weeks ago and I can really notice a difference. That has renewed my vigor for it.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Bad day...?

Welcome back friends new and old. Lets get right into it.

Today started out pretty normal, I got up a bit late (I didn't have to be in to work until noon and I didn't have any specific time I had to be at the gym so I slept a bit later then usual), I took the dog out, and packed my gym bag with my work clothes. I went to the gym, worked out for about thirty minutes, showered, got dressed, stopped at their juice bar for a protien shake and got in my car to go to work....this is where my day went downhill. I had apparently left my work shoes at home, despite the fact that I remember picking them up and setting them with my gym bag. So I had to drive all the way home to get them. I get home and sure enough there they are, sitting right under where my gym bag was. And what else is on the floor to my suprise? Dog shit. Now I am pretty pissed but I don't have any time to fuck with it since I am alreday going to be late for work since I had to come all the way home for these stupid shoes. So I hang up my towel from the gym, take my sweaty clothes out so my bag isn't stinky and leave. I get about two miles from home and remember that I had left my damn protien bar in my gym bag that I had planned on snacking on at work instead of something bad for me. DAMN IT!!! So I decided not to turn around and go back for it. But at this point I decide that my damn day is going downhill fast since I am now going to be like twenty minutes late for work and I left my snack at home so I call work and tell them I am not coming in (blame car troubles since I really had some two days ago and it didn't actually cause me anything but money problems). The funny thing is, when I spoke to someone at work apparently someone else called in and I would have been short staffed at work and pissed, so my plan to not go in was a good one as my day would have gotten even worse!

So now I am home. I am going to get out of my work clothes and into something more confortable, watch some TV (probally Rome from HBO on DVD) and maybe go get some air in my paintball tank. If Dave comes home later today and wants to hang out I might go over there. As of right now I have no plans.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Prepare for glory!

So it is like week three of my work outs and I am actually starting to be able to see changes in my self. I notice that I am getting less tired at the gym while working out, I am able to do more while I am there. I am also noticing that I have more energy durning the day, and I require less sleep at night. The biggest thing is that other people are starting to notice that I am slimming down a bit. I am really starting to feel good and that well...feels good.

On another note I went to Hall-o-Scream at Bush Gardens with a couple of people from work last night. We had a great time. I was a bit dissapointed with Hall-o-scream in general but even still I had a good time. Most of the haunted houses were OK at best. One was down right terrible and two were pretty decent. I will say that the scare zones on the streets sucked something fierce. The entire street teams just seemed to be half-assing their "performances" and really not trying.

I am going to try to go to Horror Nights at Universal this Thursday but I don't know if I am going to be able to afford it or not. I really want to go as the longer I wait the more and more busy it gets. I am a bit worried though a couple of my co-workers went this weekend and said it was down right aweful. And all of them had the same opnion so I have to think it was really not that good. That will suck if that is the case as usually Horror nights is good.

Well I am off I am going to go watch some TV before hitting the sack. I want to try to get up early and go to the gym tomorrow even though it is usually one of my days off from the gym. I think I am going to swim some laps as that is really good cardio.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Not quite as sore as before...

Welcome back, I know I know, I promised a Dragon Con update the next day and I didn't do it. But this time it wasn't my fault. Stupid Brighthouse keeps turning off my internet for stupid reasons. Now they are saying my computer has a virus or I am sending out spam e-mail. While I am not going to argue with them on either case (but I am not aware of either) I still am annoyed as hell that they keep doing it with no warning.

I really don't have much to talk about on here. Work is still going well, and I still actually like going to this job (though I really could use more money but...). My workouts are going great also and I am actually going as often as I originally said I was going to go. I am going to the gym five days a week. I am really decicated to this plan and I am alreday starting to see results. While I have not lost a single pound I have gaind a bit of deffination in my arms, I feel stronger, and I have lots more energy. I am really looking forward to the end results and I am going to achive my goals.

Well since most if not all of my readers were at Dragon Con with me I really don't feel like putting the rest of the story up here. I am just too lazy to fuck with it. Here is the short story, Friday I didn't drink but still had a good time at night, Saturday we won the 501st Droid Hunt for the fourth time in a row. Sat night I drank a ton, got wasted, puked in Randy and Angie's tub, talked to some girls chest, tried to go to a party but no one would let me. Sunday was pretty much boring. Sunday night we went to see Rocky Horror picture show, it was late, so we saw like an hour and a half of the Cruxshadows concert, everyone hated it but me. Finally Rocky started, it was good, it ended at like four in the am. Monday I drove home, it was pretty uneventful. This was the first year since I started going to D*C that I didn't go to the TDH dinner. It wasn't because I didn't want to go, I did, but it was just because the dinner was too expensive for what you got and I couldn't justify the cost. From what I have seen I am sorry I didn't go as it does look like it was a good time.

I did mention that I was say why the con was different with out you know who. In the past durning the day I would walk around with her and we would go look at shit. This year there was time that I couldn't find anyone or they wanted to do other stuff and I went off on my own. It kind of sucked, I missed being there with her. The night time was a different story and I didn't miss her but the day time sucked.

Well I am going to go now, I need to look for a new apartment/condo. I am tired of living in this one and I would really like to pay less per month since I am not making as much money as I used to. So I am off.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Dragon Con

Ok as promised here is my update on the con. It was great. This was the first year I went with out you know who tagging along. I wasn't sure how that was going to be but I will go more into that later.

The Drive: So the day I am planning on leaving Eric called me and asked if I minded if Cherie rode up with us. I told him that was cool and be at my house at like one or two am that night. They showed, and boy did they bring a TON OF SHIT! I couldn't believe how much crap those two brought with them, I will say most of it was her's. But man did we have my SUV packed full. We got on the road a bit before three am and we were off. The drive was pretty un-eventfull which was a good thing. Cherie slept most of the way, only waking to drop a random comment into our conversations and be right back asleep, while Eric managed to stay awake all the way there. I wasn't sure how an eight hour car trip with Eric was going to be, but save for his truly epic gas, it was a good time. We got to the hotel around ten I think, got checked in and after a very short tour for Eric (it was his first time there) and some doughnuts for all of us we took a nap until the rest of the gang showed up. Later in the afternoon everyone else showed up and we got them checked in and moved all of their shit into the room. Randy and Angie some how managed to get a damn suite for free, while Dave and Christine got a tiny room and a ton of headaches (the funny part is both groups got those things from the same original problem, not haveing a fridge). Needless to say all of us hated Randy and Angie most of the weekend for their incredible luck and the monster suit they got. Dave felt it nessicarry to kick our damn fridge every time he came in our room, but since it wasn't ours and he wasn't really hurting anything we didn't really care. We went and got our badges around four. (where I saw this really hot red-headed dominatrix chick!!!) We all went out to dinner at Hard Rock that night to kick off the good times and so it began.

The Night: Once again the Hyatt was the place to be the first night of the con, we all lounged around the lobby hanging out, but of course before going there we made a pit stop at the rooms to start drinking. I had a great night that night, several of my friends from out of town met up with me there, Bob from New England, Goro from Japan, and Scott from Oaklahoma to name a few and it was nice to see all of those guys again espically Bob and Scott since I hadn't seen them since last year at Dragon Con! One of Bob's friends was walking around with a backpack full of beers, and that was fantastic, because that ment free beer all night long! After about one am most of my friends from Florida went back to the room to crash, but Bob, Scott and several others had no intentions of calling it that early of a night. So we went up to Bob's room got a bunch more beers and went back downstairs. **Funny little side story here, Goro had these werid little candies from Japan with him, and they looked like cat shit, and to me they kind of tasted like cat shit so I am not convinced they wern't, but regardless they looked funny so we got into an elevator and left a small pile of them on the floor just to see people freak out at them. It worked swimingly.** So back to the main story here. We go find a spot to lean in the lobby so the "Hyatt's lobby nazis" don't make us move and we just watch the people pass by and drink and tell stories and jokes. There was a cute girl dressed as River from Serenity with a Jayne's hat on and Scott (in his drunken mess) hears me say she is cute and I should hit on her, so he goes over and brings her to me. We talk for a while, I find out her name is Dare (or at least that is what she said it was) and she is from Miami. I hit on her for a while but her damn friend keeps dragging her away to show her shit, she comes back and a few minutes later her friend dragges her off again, eventually she never comes back and I don't see her again for the rest of the weekend. *tear* But after we have a few more beers and we are all plenty drunk I introduce Bob to what I was at the time calling "The Game" or what we are now calling "Trainwreck" (thanks to Dave for the name!) Basically this is the worst, most mean spirited game ever, and we are all probally going to hell for playing it but oh well. See this used to just be something I did when I would see hot girls in tiny clothes and point them out to my friends. Well then I started seeing the bad things, fat people in tiny clothes, and since I had to see them I figured so did my friends. So I would point them out too. Well what started out as just a bit of harmless fun for me turned into "The Game". Basically you do what I just said, you point out the fat and ugly people wearing way too little clothing to your friends to make them look at it. The goal is just for them to see it and curse you. Basically no one really wins this game, there are just different degrees of losing. Now the trick to the game is that you also have to point out the hot girls in tiny clothing so that your friends never know which you are pointing out and always look. This game is best played drunk. So after playing this for hours on end I finally get tired around three or four in the am and go back to the room for some sleep.

I will give another update on offical DAY ONE of the con tomorrow. I need to get some sleep so I can go get my ass kicked by my trainer again tomorrow.

***Note about "Trainwreck" this game while mean spirited really is not ment to offend your average heavy set person. But more this is ment to offend the heavy set person who thinks it's OK to cram themselvs into a tiny little corest and go out in public with their fat oozing out of the top and bottom of the thing. Or the heavy set person who thinks it's ok to wear only duct tape on their nipples and go out in public. As much as I love boobs, I really don't want to see yours if you are three hundred pounds and your boobs are oozing out of the top of a corset and they look like a half filled waterbed being carried by two guys under it. That is all***

Still alive...

Wow, so I am still alive. Sorry it has been forever since I posted last but I have been busy with work and working out and what not. I know I promised a Dragon Con update and I have yet to, I am sorry. I plan to get to it tonight.

So my workouts have been going really well. More or less... The first two days I went my trainer managed to work me out until I puked, and that was fun. But since I have stopped eating breakfast prior to going to work out and that seems to have stopped the vomiting. My whole body is sore and I can barley walk most days but I am sure that will all stop and get better at some point. But I am sticking to my diet really well (I have cut out soda, cheese and rice) and so far it hasn't been too hard. Cutting soda out pretty much sucked and I have had a caffiene withdrawl headache for about a week which is oh so pleasent but other then that all is well.

I have managed to get most of my painting projects done with a few exceptions. As soon as I get this stuff shipped out I have to focus on Garry's clone armor for his son.

Also new news, I started hanging out with a girl from work..lets call her "Bara" (name changed to protect the guilty). Well at first we both thought we might want to be more then friends, but then we hung out and both decided that we would rather be friends (plus it's a bad idea to date co-workers). But here is the fun part, she thinks I am a serial killer. And I am pretty sure that at least part of her isn't kidding. Now I am pretty sure she is crazy as a loon but she is still pretty fun to hang out with so I will over look these two things.

Other then that not too much is going on here in my neck of the woods.

Saturday, September 8, 2007


Well hello again b's and g's. It is seven in the am and I am up, writting on here. Why the hell am I up so early you ask?? Well it is simple, well sort of simple. After going to Dragon Con (I will have a full update later tonight on the con) I relized that I really wanted to do a Spartan costume from 300. Well since my fat ass wouldn't be caught dead in a tiny leather speedo and nothing else I need to get into some other shape besides round. So on my way home from work last night I stopped at Bally total fitness and signed up, I have an eight am appointment with a personal trainer today before I go into work at eleven. Alreday I can tell this is going to be hard, he had me eat breakfast today, and instead of something good like a bowl of ceral or pancakes he had me eat three egg whites, not the yolks just the whites. But I am decidated to this goal and am going to stick with what ever he has me do to get into the shape I want. I told him I need to be in shape for Feburary. Why Fed you ask? Well Megacon is in Feb and I want to be able to wear the Spartan for then. Eric has decided to do one as well, but he has a lot less to do to get into shape he really just needs to bulk up a bit where I need to loose a bit of weight and gain a ton of muscle mass.

That is all for now, as I said tonight when I get home I will post an update on Dragon Con and more.

Monday, August 27, 2007


Hello again faithfull readers! Sorry for my lack of updates, I have been really busy with work. But as if that statement didn't give it away I have finally started work. Last Tuesday was my frist day, and I worked all week until Sunday when I had a day off, I also worked today. So far I am really enjoying working at Sharks. The hours are much longer then I expected (read that as twelve hour days instead of eight) but so far I am ok with that. We are pretty busy most of the day so the time goes by quickly, plus since I am a manager there is always something for me to do. There are a few little things that I don't like (mostly people) but they are few and not that big of a deal. Also there are a couple of girls there that are pretty cute, except of course that I can't date any of them since I am a manager...oh well. So as I said before so far so good.

My A/C finally got fixed last week, Wednesday I think. (big thanks to Eric for coming over and staying while the A/C guy was here so I could get to work on time) It is so nice to be able to sleep confortably at home again. Also the landlord said he would help with the hotel bill which is great since I really didn't have that money to spend on that.

In case anyone doesn't know Dragon Con is in only three days! I am finally starting to get excited. I am a bit nurvous about money but that is pretty normal for me right before a con. Since I don't really plan on buying anything it shouldn't really cost me that much. I am aware that I don't have to plan on buying things to end up buying shit, but at least I am not planning on buying a new two hundred dollar kilt like the last three years.

I know it is a bit late but I did go see a new movie last week.

Superbad: Let me just say, it was really funny. I think it will really speak to any one who wasn't one of the "cool kids" in high school in the last two decades or so. The two main stars of the flick gave great performances along with a decent supporting cast. The only guys who were a bit of a let down, and it is a small one, were the guys who play the cops. They wern't as funny as I expected them to be. But all in all it was very funny. A-

Well kidos that is all for now. I will try to update again before I leave for Dragon Con but if not...Oh well! But at least you can expect a decent sized one when I get back since I am sure I will have lots of good stories from the con.

Oh one last thing, I finally got around to finishing my all metal Boba Fett Pre-pro2 flamethrower to replace my resin one that broke on me. It will be with me at Dragon Con so check it out there!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I am melting...

AHHHH so hot! Ok so here is the deal, my god damn airconditioning has broken by little to no fault of my own (so says the repair guy). It is almost ninty degrees in here and I can't sleep. Yesterday I had to go stay at a hotel just so I could get some sleep. I am thinking about doing the same tonight since I start work tomorrow and I really need to get a full nights sleep before hand. It looks like at the earliest it won't be fixed until fucking Wednesday, and that is just nuts. I can't really afford to spend at least two more nights in a hotel. I wonder if I could get my landlord to pay for the hotel since my condo is pretty much unlivable... I think I am going to ask him, worst he can say is no.

Well I am too tired to continue typeing and I am going to the hotel.

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Hello again folks. I am back. Miss me? I am sure you did. Well today was my first day of "work" at Sea World. I had orientation all day. Like most places this ment several hours going over company mission statements, policys, and what not. And like most places this had one of my favorite things that man has ever created...the sexual harrassment video. I am sure if you have had a job in the last decade you have seen one of these fantastic short films, hell you probally have seen one of the ones that I have since I believe there are only about five of them out there. Now I am sure you are saying "Now Mark, that is just crazy talk! First how could there only be five of these videos? Next the last one I saw looked like it was made in the seventys, how could you like it?" Well kids it's not crazy talk, unless a company makes their own in house videos on sexual harrassment, then they go to an outside company to get one. Well I doubt there is a lot of competition in the sexual harrassment video world, so that is how there is only five or so of these gems out there. To answer your next question, I love these films because they are so totally, outragessly aweful, and dated. I guess it's sort of like a car wreak, it's aweful but you just can't help but look. Well for me it has actually gone one step beyond, not only do I look but I actaully enjoy them! Well Sea World had one that I had actually never seen before, it was designed espically for theme parks (read that as the guy talking was sitting in a non-descript theme park and the situations were also in a theme park, but it really didn't matter). This of course excited me, since I hadn't seen this one before it was all new and exciting for me. This one also had one of the few diamonds in the rough that you don't see often...the woman sexually harrassing a man! Well now that I have shared my love for crappy videos I can go on about the rest of the day. I got to meet some new people, including one cute girl who is working in a gift shop in the park (thou no one seems t0 know where this store actually is) and she seemed at least mildly interested in me. She said she is going to come visit me at work often, which if it actually happens would be great, because she is cute. In the afternoon we got to go behind the scenes to talk to one of the zoological people which while I noticed most people seemed bored with I found actually interesting. He showed us a hand full of holding tanks in the back with some manatees in them, and two others with a bunch of dolphins in them. He then took us into the park and to where guests can feed the dolphins up close, and we got to feed and pet them with out paying for the food, or fighting with large non-english speaking tourists to do so. I really enjoyed that. Several people got splashed, which I also found amusing (yes I am one of those people who delights in the misery of others, get over it.) But the highlight of the day, was lunch. We ate in the main employee gril thing, where the food was very inexpensive, and actually not bad. It isn't as good as the Universal grill, but is was good none the less. But, and here is why this was the highlight, they have free soda, all day every day, and they have.....wait for it.....MT. DEW!!!!! I am excited, now I can drink as much of that yellow-green nectar of the gods as I want for FREE! The entire park is a Pepsi park, so that means Dew everywhere. I have to go back on Sunday for my orientation with the F&B people and then I guess I will get my real schedule then.

I am sure most of you know by now, but incase you didn't in less then two weeks one of the years greatest events happens. Dragon Con in Atlanta! This is the one convention I look forward to all year, don't get me wrong Mega-Con and FX show are ok, hell FX is getting better every year, but they have nothing on Dragon Con. See shows like Mega-Con and FX are basically just dealers rooms filled with nerds. Mega-Con espically has moved more and more away from my interests (they are getting more and more anime shit, and I hate anime), FX holds my interest but it is just a place to buy stuff. But then there is Dragon Con, D*C (as it is often abbrievated) of course has a couple of dealers rooms, and the usual assortment of anime nerds, and the smelly gaming freaks like all cons, but D*C has some stuff that no other con can match. For one most cons end around five or six, I know people who don't think Dragon starts until seven or eight at night. At D*C there is something going on twenty four hours a day for four days. See most cons are held in convention centers, where as Dragon is held in three hotels (it's that big) so the party doesn't have to stop just because it is getting dark. That means you can get drunk as all hell, and just stumble back to your hotel room vs. driving somewhere. Also Dragon has a much more diverse group of people then most other cons, at Mega you will find mostly anime nerds, FX: toy collectors, but Dragon you get everything! Pirates, anime nerds, Star Wars, Star Trek, Aliens, Predators, Lord of the rings, chicks in coresets, you name it! And as I mentioned before, the real action doesn't start until the sun sets. Once it is dark everyone finds their way to the Hyatt's lobby bar area. This is where the party happens. Also at night people bring out their more risque "costumes" (read that as underware or duct tape being called a costume) and this of course is fantastic. The booze flows, and people get really, really drunk. Last year, while searching for "the whore bag" at four thrity in the AM I found a rave that was going on, and going strong. And normally I am not a rave sort of guy, but let me tell you, I saw things in there that have made me decide that this year I will be going to the rave! Also a huge draw for me is that lots of people come from all over the place to go to Dragon. That means that I get to see friends that I might only get to see once a year but talk to online a lot. This year is espically important because my friend Scott is going to be there, and right after the con he is being shipped off to Iraq. And last but certainly not least is that at Dragon Con there is a Droid Hunt! (actually the first Droid Hunt was held at D*C and I have played in every single one of them since) Of couse we have nearly our entire team from CIV (except the amazing Stewart and his wife Miko), and we have several years of D*C hunts under our belts, and we want to add a fourth title to our list. I am really looking forward to this hunt, and of course winning it! So if you don't know anything about Dragon, and reading the above hasn't convinced you go check out to see more!

I have a short rant for you cats and kittens today, and it is actually about my damn kitten! As some of you know I have a sizeable Sideshow Toys colleciton of the Friday the Thirteenth twelve inch Jason figures. Well since Jason is mainly known for using a machate several of them hold one. Well one in paticular (the part six Jason) has a severed human arm holding a machate that Jason holds. Now this severed arm doesn't have a tight grip on the machate so it comes out very easily. Well I guess my dumb ass cat has figured this out, and now she gets on my damn desk, and seeks out this stupid thing! Every day I come home and that arm is missing the machete, and I find it across the house. Well a day or so ago I got tired of trying to find it so I super glued it in place. You think that stopped the cat?? Nope. I get up to find it in the kitchen sans arm. Meaning she broke the glue and got away with it. Now it wouldn't be a big deal if she wasn't chewing on the damn thing and leaving little tooth marks in it. Also I worry that she will take it, and put it under the stove or refridgerator and I will never see it again. I alreday know that there are parts to some random other figure under the stove. So today's plan is that I took some hot sauce (Tobasco brand Chipotle sauce) and rubbed it all over the blade of the thing. Hopefully the smell, and resulting taste will teach the cat not to play with it. I think I am also going to try to glue it again, that way she really has to bite it (thus tasting the sauce more) to get it off. DAMN CAT!

Well I am pretty much out of shit to talk about. Tomorrow I am going to Dave's house agian. I don't really have anything to do over there but I like going so who cares. I do think I will take my Jango bucket with me, as I need to sand off the blue paint on it. (I am repainting it with more accurate colors, and when I did the light blue reacted badly and bubbled up all over the place and needs to be sanded down). Dave has one of those nifty random orbital sanders, and I don't, and that thing will make short work of that paint. So until next more pie

Monday, August 13, 2007


Wow it has been like a full week since I posted last. Sorry. Well lots of stuff has happened. Were to begin, I guess I can fill in from where I left off last week. I tracked down my paycheck with little to no problem, got that cashed and promptly blew threw it. I got Randy's helmet painted with only minor problems. Basically with that, when I painted the red coat it ran like it stole something. The paint went on very very thin and I was putting it on too thick and it just ran all over the place. So after it dried I took it home and sanded out all the runs, the next night I adjusted the gun's spray pattern and the amount of paint it sprayed and recoated the helmet with out any problems. The next night it was time for the clear coat! Well I mixed up a batch of that stuff and went to town on it (once again playing with the adjustments on the gun to try to avoid the runs). It turned out really great, excpet for the massive run right on the face of the damn thing. Well the clear apparently takes much longer then all the other paints to dry so I left it at Eric's place overnight and went home. I came back the next day and sanded out the runs and re-coated it again. This time I had no problems and the clear coat looked GREAT! Up to this point I didn't really see what all the big deal was with the stupid automotive paints, it just seemed like a ton of extra work for little to no benifit over spray paints. Well the clear coat is where it's at! That makes all the difference in the world. Once it was dry it was glass smooth, and looks like the paint is still wet. I couldn't believe how great it came out. This weekend I took it over to Dave's house so he could install a visor in it, and Randy was coming to pick it up from Dave on Sunday. Well Dave and Garry both thought it looked fantastic and I talked to Randy today and he liked it too. I am so glad it came out well and was worth all that work. Hopefully in the future things will go smoother but even if not it was worth the effort.

Also on a painting note, since Garry was coming up to Orlando I had to finish his two beehive clone helmets for him. I wasn't really excited to do that, but I got them done and was pretty happy with how they came out. Garry picked them up on Saturday at Dave's and he seemed pretty happy with them as well, which was good because I really didn't want to repaint those damn things again. (I had painted one of them once alreday and it didn't come out well) While I was at Dave's Garry dropped off his son's clone trooper armor with me to paint. I have started working on it, but man I really don't want to work on it at all. I don't know why, probally because I hate clone armor now, but I hate this stuff so much I am actually working on it quickly just to get it out of my sight! I don't know if that is a bad thing or not but it seems to be getting the job done. I of course ran out of paint so that has slowed me down quite a bit...

Oh I forgot to mention, I ended up and got the job at Sea World. I am pretty happy about that as well. The pay kind of sucks, and I am sure it will be lots of hours but at least I might enjoy doing it. Plus I get two free cases of beer a month! Not that Budwiser makes any beer that I like but at least I will be the life of the party when I go to friend's houses. I start on this Friday with orientation.

Now you might be wondering about the title of this post: Sequels. Well that is because after I got my paycheck I went and saw a movie. Then on Friday I went and saw another one. Both movies were the third movie in a trilogy. I saw...

The Bourne Ultamatitum: Well I have really enjoyed the Bourne series so far, the second one wasn't quite as good as the first (but then again when are they??) so I had pretty high hopes for this one. Well it is pretty much more of the same that the last two have set you up for. Bourne still can't remember shit, people still want to mess with him, and he wants to beat them up for it. The action in this one is very good, like the last two, but like most new movies they try to out-do themselves. They succed in this aspect, the action in this one actiony? I don't know how to describe it, the fight sequences are great, the car chases were good, and they blew something up. I could do without the shakey hand held camera durning the fight scenes but that seams to be the style latley I guess it makes you feel like you are in the fight too, personally I hate it I would prefer to be able to see what is going on but hey, that's just me. I won't ruin anything for anyone, but lets just say if you liked the last two go see this one. Oh I will mention that you should probally watch the second one right before you go see this one, as this one starts right at the end of the last one (at least I think it did) and it took me a few minutes to figure out what the hell was going on. (I hadn't seen the second one in a while) All in all: A

The other movie I went to see is also the third in a series and it would be:
Rush Hour 3 : This one is being panned by critics every where. Let me just say, did you like the last two Rush Hour movies? No? Then you will hate this one. Yes? Then you will probally like this one too. It's that simple. Nothing is really new in this series. Chris Tucker is still a loud mouth moron, and Jackie Chan is his hard to understand Chinese buddy who kicks ass. Want to see complicated plot and well drawn characters? GO SEE SOMETHING ELSE! Want to see Chris Tucker play the most stereotypical black guy ever? Want to see Jackie Chan do what he does best? Go see this. It was fun, it had a few good jokes, and the action was decent. Again nothing new here, but then again the last two movies did really well for them, why change the formula? All in all: B-

I guess that is all for now, I am going to go watch a pirated copy of Harry Potter that someone gave me (I won't mention names just incase someone is reading this). Actually no, I just remembered I am watching The Italian Job for the twentyith time, then I might watch Harry Potter.

Monday, August 6, 2007


Welcome back Romans... today has started on a good note, well actually it started on a crap note ( I didn't sleep well last night for some reason, and then Garry called me while I was sleeping) but it got better. Seaworld finally called me back, and to my supprise with good news. They have decided to move to the next step with me, and no we aren't going to third base. They want me to come in for an interview with the VP of HR. As long as that interview goes well then I get the job. So I am excited. Today also marks round two of the "Randy's helmet fiasco". Hopefully I will be able to get some good work done on it, and all of my equipment won't be destroyed in the process. The guy who had me paint his Jango armor recieved it the other day, and was very happy with it. He even posted on TDH and others think it looks good, which is great.

A bit of weekend news, while talking with Randy and Angie a few weeks ago they mentioned that they would be interested in playing the Star Wars RPG. Since I had bought the core rule book for it years ago and never used it this was exciting for me. I really enjoy playing RPGs with friends as it is usually a good time of laughing and what not. Well I called Dave and asked him if he and the wife would be interested in it and he said yes, and suggested we play on Saturday. So with that new found excitment I called R&A and got them to go to Dave's house and we all played. I had the duty of being the GM (DM for all you D&D nerds out there) and had to come up with a story for them to play. Well I had like three days notice that we were going to go, and I was going to GM, and needed to make a story up. Did I? No. I waited until the night before at about midnight, to start working on it. I worked until two thirty in the AM before I was too tired to keep going, but I got a bit of story worked out. We all went to Dave's around nine in the AM, I say around because both R&A and I were late. Really Dave and Christine were the only ones who were on time and that is because they lived there. But in the end we all had a good time, I managed to kill everyone's characters at least once, some of them twice... and that was good times. R&A left around three or four and I ended up staying until nine at night. We just sat around shooting the shit, and playing video games, which Dave has an uncanny ability to lose to me at (even though I had never played the game, and he owns it).

I can't remember if I mentioned it here or not and I am too lazy to go look back and see, but I managed to fix my paintball gun, with out spending any money at all! I was very excited about that. I just posted on the boards and asked the master techs what they thought my gun's problem was, they suggested something, I tried it, and it worked. I guess that is why they are the master techs and I am not. Of course I still can't afford to go play, and Eric is still to lazy to get his gun fixed but I am happy to know that I could go play if I wanted to.

And while I am talking about paintball, plans are in the works for a hand full of us to go to Ocala to play in the Wayne's World "Grand Finale" on the weekend of my birthday in December. Right now it looks like it will be, Greg, Eric, Dave and I all going. The game is a twenty four hour game with playing spread out over one afternoon, evening, night, and the next morning with breaks inbetween. I went once several years ago and had a blast, and I was basically playing alone (I went with a couple of guys I didn't know and never saw them on the field). As long as at least Greg goes I know it will be a good time.

I am sorry to those of you who were looking forward to a new movie review, I am just way too broke to go to the movies right now.

I do have a new DVD review though (got to love Netflix). It is of the new (2003) Battlestar Galictica TV series. I had heard people talking about this one (much like Firefly) and saying how good it was. So I finally decided to watch it. (a note to anyone who wants to rent it, make sure you rent the mini-series before you rent season one, as the mini-series happens before the season one ep.1, it took me forever to figure that one out) I am really getting into this series, I have never seen a single epsiode of the original series and I don't really care to, but this series is pretty damn good. It's no Firefly but at least this one has a couple of seasons before it gets canceled. For any of you sci-fi fans out there I deffintally recommend picking this one up and giving it a watch. I am only on to the third disk in the series but so far so good. All in all: A-

Well kids that's all for now. I need to call the stupid Sheraton and track down a paycheck for those three days I worked. I might make an update post about how the painting goes later today.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


So today is the day cats and kittens. 300 comes out on DVD today. Best Buy seems to have the coolest offer, with a mini-spartan helmet and some cool mini-artwork in a box set for thrity five bucks. Circuit City had just some art work (I think it is the same as what came in the box set) and the retard zoo has it boxed with the history channel DVD about the real spartans. I can't stress enough how much every single one of you needs to go out and buy this movie. It is the best damn movie I have seen in ten years, at least. The visiuals are amazing, the action is nearly non-stop and the story is good. And for the women and gay men it has some of the best looking men in the best shape I have ever seen (no I have not started batting for the other team, I am just confortable enough that I can say those are good looking men). In case you are unfamilar with the story it is about the Persian army trying to invade Sparta. When the king of Persia brings his army of nearly a million men the Spartans send three hundred (because the Persian king bought the Spartan congress to not send the entire army) to a place called the hot gates (a large stone passageway into Sparta). There the mighty three hundred hold off the Persian army for so long and kill so many of them that the Persians actually loose the desire to fight. Of course no matter how good a fighter you are three hundred against a million aren't good odds and the three hundred all die. But that rallies the rest of the Spartan army to march against the Persians and send them packing (that last part isn't in the movie). Again I have to say it, BUY THIS MOVIE!!! It looks like the two disk set is loaded with bonus features but they are selling a single disk version for those of you who aren't big into the making of kind of stuff. Yes I alreday have a copy of it, I was at Best Buy right at ten when they opened to get the cool boxed set with the mini-helmet (I missed the V for Vendetta boxed set with the mini V mask and wasn't going to let that happen again).

Oh I did finally go see Chuck and Larry on Sunday. It wasn't nearly as bad as the critics are saying it is. It wasn't great by any stretch but it had quite a few funny moments. And Jessica Beil looks great in nearly the entire movie. Lets just say I would do bad naughty things to that girl for sure.... but I digress. This movie had plenty of stupid stuff in it, and Sandler isn't on his top game for sure, but all it was worth the five bucks I paid to see it (AMC has cheap movies before noon on Friday, Sat, and Sunday). If you can't see it that cheap, wait until it comes to DVD and rent it, Netflix it, or download it. All in all; B-/C+

So the job hunting isn't going well again. Rent is due tomorrow, and I am more then a little short (nearly all of it). I am running out of shit to sell, and am about to start selling things I don't really want to get rid of. I think my Beehive clone bucket might be next on the list, I think I might paint it up and put it on Ebay. I also have an extra Fett bucket that I got as payment for painting some Fett armor (back when I was still making plenty of money and didn't really need the extra it seemed like a good deal) that I could paint up and sell. I really don't want to do either of those since I had plans for both of those helmets, but at this point it is looking grim.

On a completly unrelated note I managed to get my paintball gun fixed, on my own! I don't know if I had mentioned it here or not but a while ago I took my paintball gun out to play and something happened and it made a loud pop noise and started rushing gas out the front end of it. Since this is the first Angel paintball gun I have ever owned I wasn't too familar with it and had no idea what the problem could be. Right after it happened I posted on about it and got pretty much non-sense answers. I had since opened a ticket with the Angel master techs at and was going to send it it. I just was looking over their site when I noticed they had a forum that was a Q&A section with a master tech, basically you post what your problem is and they post what might be causing it. Well I did that just so I could get an estimate of what it was going to cost to fix. Well the MT posted back as to what it might be. He thought it might just be that my valve might not be seated correctally. So I downloaded a new manual for my gun, figured out what part he was talking about, and checked. Sure enough it wasn't. I also figured out why my breach was hard to open and close, and fixed that. So now my gun works fine and it cost me NOTHING! All praise to those wonderfull Master Techs at So now as soon as I get working and get money again (though I do have a free entry to the Wednesday night tournys and enough paint I could play) and Eric gets his ass in gear and gets his gun fixed (his really does need to be sent in) we can go out and play! I am very excited.

Well I am off, I need to spend some time looking at job postings, then it is time to watch 300!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

I quit...

So I got tired of going to that new job. I really hated it. So I quit, Friday night. No I don't have a new job yet, no I don't care. I just couldn't stand going to that one anymore. So no more for me. I am still hopeing to hear from Sea World and if I do I will be happy. I also put in some applications to a couple of other places and perhaps I will hear from some of them.

Now Saturday was a monument to inactivity for me. I managed to sleep for the entire day, and I do mean all of it. I went to sleep around eight in the morning and I woke up at four in the morning on Sunday! Holy crap that felt good!

I did go see The Simpsons Movie on Friday. But I will have more about that later. I still haven't seen I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry yet but I will. Probally today.

One thing I think I forgot to mention on here is that last Saturday I went out to dinner with Randy and Angie (they drove from out of town just to come have dinner with me!). We went to Kobe Steakhouse (it's one of those Japanese places where they cook at your table) and I love that place. Afterwords we went to Dunkin Doughnuts/Baskin Robins for ice cream. While we were sitting in there a group of four twenty-something year olds came and sat at the table next to us. One of them at one point got up and went outside to his car. When he came back in he had one of the Don Post Boba Fett helmets in his hand. He handed it to me and said he thought I might want it more then he did (he saw my Boba Fett t-shirt I was wearing). He just gave me that helmet. Now of course I have two helmets alreday that are way better then this DP ever could be but I wasn't going to turn it down. Hell part of me thought to paint it and then sell it on E-bay for a fat cunck of change. Later when I went to the retard zoon looking for Transformers toys a dude comes walking out of the toy isle with an arm load of them. I noticed he was carrying one of the ones I acually wanted (08 body style bumblebee) and he asked if I was looking to Transformers toys, to which I responded that I was looking for what he was carrying in his arms. He asked which one (at this point I noticed he had like five of the bumblebees as well as several others) and I told him. He looked at his arm load and handed me on of the bumblebees. He also pointed me to one of the other ones I was looking for (bonecrusher). I thanked him and he went on his way. Now I am sure he is one of those guys that goes in and hoards all of the hard to find figures then sells them on e-bay for a high price. But it was really cool of him to just hand me one of the harder to find figures. It's not something you see everyday. So I went home and posted on TDH about these two random acts of kindness. Just becuase I wanted to share them. Eric mentioned that I should give him the DP helmet becuase he wanted it. I told him no since he alreday had a DP helmet and a brand new Boba Maker helmet and didn't need it. But it made me think, I don't really need it either... So I decided that i was going to give it away. Since some random stranger was nice enough to give it to me, I decided I would do the same thing, give it away to someone who would enjoy it more then me. So I started a thread on TDH saying I would give it to anyone who really needed it. I also decided that I would custom paint it for who ever wins it how ever they want, for free. Since the helmet had just been given to me I wanted to add something that I could give into the pot. Well this inspired a couple of other people to do the same thing, one guy tossed in a full painted set of armor on a vest, another threw in a painted rocketpack, and one more tossed in a set of metal guantlet darts! All to whom ever I choose wins it. No one is asking for anything in return (except that the winner pays shipping). I really thought this was a nice thing to do and I hope the new owner really enjoys this stuff.

On to other things now. Thursday I said I was going to Eric's house to paint Randy's royal guard helmet with my new spray gun. Well I did, but man everything that could have gone wrong did. First for some reason my compressor died (it's brand new mind you), thankfully Eric's dad had a big nice one I could use. Then the regulator for the paint gun stripped out and fell off. That was a bigger problem... I managed to get it to stay on long enough to paint the helmet, sort of. While painting it, the helmet started to fall over, and I didn't want it to fall and smash into a million little peices so I reached for it...with the hand with the metal paint gun in it... and chipped the helmet. Then when I finished the helmet, I was going to run paint thinner though it to clean it but the regulator fell off and wouldn't go back on so I could only get a little bit of thinner though it. Needless to say it didn't go nearly as well as I was hopeing. Now I have to fill the chip with bondo, sand then entire surface and then re-primer it. So all I really did was waste time, paint, and money. GOOD TIMES! I went out and picked up a couple of new regulators for the gun, both of them were really cheap (thank god for harbor freight!) and a stand to hold the gun when I am not using it and to fill it. So hopefully I will not have the same damn problem again.

I did get the Jango armor finished and it will be shipped out today. I got started on the rocket pack, but have hit a snag since I can't find the light blue paint for it. So I am not real sure what I am going to do with it now.

I really think I am going to go see Chuck and Larry today...probally.

Now review time!
The Simpsons Movie: I will warn you, I have not seen the later seasons of the Simpsons, and I don't really like the first couple of seasons. But I am a fan of the middle seasons (and I would probally like the new seasons but I don't have TV so I don't know). I was a bit dissapointed with this movie. It had a couple of quick laughs though out the entire movie, but I was really expecting more. The plot is really weak, but I wasn't expecting much. It had some decent sight gags, and the Tom Hanks cameo is great. But I was just expecting it to be a lot funnier. I mean really they have had like eightteen years to get this right, and it let me down. They did show Bart's wang, and I could have done without that. Marge curses, Maggie speaks, and Homer puts a silo of pig shit into a lake. Stay though the credits, all of them. But I do think some of the credits were a joke if you actually read them, there was a Japanese section that all of the names sounded like jokes. I could be wrong and just made a terrible raciest comment but I am pretty sure they were really jokes. All in all: B-

DVD review:

Cars: First let me say that I love Pixar movies. I really love them. But this one I think is the weakest of their movies so far. While it was good, and better then a lot of other movies I have seen, it wasn't great. I was really expceting this one to be incredible (some pun intended!) but it just wasn't. It had good moments but it was a pretty big let down. The credits had some of the most funny stuff in it. (espcially the part with the big truck mentioning that Pixar uses the same voice in all of their movies....his! It's the guy who did the voice of the piggy bank in Toy Story, and used to be on Cheers) I am pretty glad I waited for DVD on this one. All in all: C+

Masters of Horror: Ciggarette Burns: I will of course mention that I am a big horror fan, and anyone who has been to my condo can tell you that. I have a life sized Jason Voorhees statue in my living room (not a cardboard cutout thing but a real maniquin). I built my own Freddy glove, I have all of the Sideshow toys Jason figures. I used to have Freddy mask, and still techinally own one but it is at a guys house to be repainted and it has been there for two plus years....anyway I am getting sidetracked. This flick was done by John Carpenter (Halloween, Christine, The Fog, The Thing etc.) and is about a guy who goes in search of a rare film that makes who ever sees it go mad and kill people. As the main character gets closer to finding it he sees ciggarette burns and then flashes of bad things. It was decent, but not so much as a horror movie, more as a suspense/thriller. I enjoyed it and look forward to seeing more from this series. They have a bunch of these short films (each one is only an hour) all done by great horror directors. All in all: B

Well kids that is all for now. I will post here reviews of what ever film I end up seeing today.

Thursday, July 26, 2007


So I know it's been a while, sorry I am lazy. But I have good news to report, I am once again gainfully employed. I got a new job at the Sheraton Safari resort near Disney. I am once again working over nights, doing audit work. I also had my interview with Sea World on Tuesday (it got pushed back) and I felt like it went well. The bad news, I hate my new job. It sucks something hard core. It is actually seven to eight hours worth of night audit work, and that is aweful, and boring as all hell. Now the problem isn't that it's eight hours of work, but that it is eight hours of audit work. I only did the old job because the audit work was only about three hours, and I could stand that. Hopefully I will hear back from Sea World and get that job and go there and ditch this new job as I HATE it.

I have made quite a bit of progress on some of my projects here at the house, though. I have the Jango armor almost all done, the Boba armor is about seventy percent done. I still need to finish those two, and then paint the Jango rocket pack and I will be all done. I am going today to Eric's house to paint Randy's royal guard helmet with my nifty automobile spray gun. I hope I can figure out what to do with it all and not kill my self in the process. I guess the paints are like SUPER TOXIC and if proper safty steps aren't taken death can insue. And knowing me I will probally forget something and have to make another trip to the hospital... man that would not be good at all.

I think, depending on what time I finish at Eric's place I might go see I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry today. I know I told a couple of you that I was going to go see it this previous weekend, but I didn't I was lazy. But you know what comes out tomorrow? SIMPSONS MOVIE!! I am excited about that one for sure. Well that is all I have for now, I am going to go cook some lunch and then get on the road to Eric's.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Sleep...who needs that??

So it's nearly five am and am I sleeping? No. Do I want to be? Yes. Since I don't work nights anymore there is no reason for me to be awake in the midding of the damn night, yet here I am. For some reason I can't sleep much these days. I have only been getting like three or four hours a day at best. Oh well, I am sure I don't really need it.

So at last I have some mildly good news on the job front. Sea World called today, and I have an interview set up for Thursday at two thirty. The interview is for a front of house manager at Sharks Underwater Grill. Basically that would be the guy in charge of all the wait staff, hostess, and bartenders. It doesn't pay that great but right now income is income.

Also on a prop building note I went out and picked up a book on how to paint cars. Now you might be saying "But Mark, you don't paint cars!" Well you are correct I don't paint cars, because if I did I wouldn't need a book telling me how to do it! But really the book is to teach me how to paint with auto paints using my nifty new spray gun Randy got me. (He got it for me becuase I am painting his royal guard helmet with it) I am pretty happy with this book and it seems really informative.

I was bored today so I went and saw another new movie. This one has been out for a little more then a week. But in case you haven't seen it yet read on.

Licensce to Wed: I tried to call Greg and find out if this movie was any good or not before seeing it but he didn't answer his phone so I went in only with the reviews that I could find online. Needless to say I didn't have high hopes for this one after reading some of these reviews. I was very plesently supprised. The movie was actually quite funny. The trailers do give quite a bit of it away both plot-wise and most of the jokes are in the trailers too. But none the less it was funny. And apparently most of the theater I was in thought the same as well as there were parts that I couldn't hear the dialog because people were laughing so loud. The movie's plot is pretty weak, and it wasn't hard to figure out what was going to happen. Mandy Moore did a so so job, but she looked good most of the movie so that is what's really important. Robin Williams has jumped the shark I think. The main male star was the saving grace for the movie. His responses to most of the shit that happend to him are what got most of the laughs. While it wasn't the funniest movie I have seen I enjoyed it enough to not be bored with it. You can almost deffinatally wait until DVD or it's on the pay movie chanels if you have those. All in all: B-

Have you gone and seen Transformers in theaters yet? No ? WHY THE HELL NOT? If you wait much longer they will take it out of the big theaters with the larger screens and better sound and put it into the shit theaters (you know all theaters have those) and you will miss out. GO NOW! Trust me you will thank me after words. If you don't I will give you your money back....

Ok no I won't give you your money back but if you don't like it something is wrong with you and you need to punch your self in the groin. If you can't do it your self ask me and I will do it for you.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Toys. Oh dear got not again...

Welcome to another exciting adventure of Mark's world. I am your host. Mark son of Milton and I will be guiding you though the rest of your read. So on to it.

Yesterday I went to Eric's work to drop off some Fett peices he wanted to borrow. While I was there he twisted my arm (he asked, Hey Mark want to shoot my M-4 to which I responded, um hell yea) and got me to go shoot his new M-4 rifle. Well needless to say I enjoyed it. I only put fourty rounds through it but I still enjoyed it. It is by far my favorite of his guns. Afterwords we went with some guys from his work to get a couple of beers (and I ate some gator tail). Needless to say I am pretty sure Eric is the butt of everyone's jokes no matter what group of people he is with. I kind of feel bad for him, but then again all of us have been there at some point it's just his turn since he only seems to hang out with people older then he is. After the beers and food we went and saw Harry Potter again. It was actually better the second time around, not that it wasn't good the first time, it was just better the second.

Also this past Thursday and I think it was last Thursday also Greg called me and asked me to go and get beers with him. I enjoyed that since we used to do it every Wednesday night either instead of or after paintball. So it has been nice to go out and chill again. Plus he has bought the food and booze the last two times we went out. Both times I told him he didn't have to but he insisted. (I assume because he knows I have no income comming in) What ever the reason I am not going to complain since he is buying..

So I have fallen back into an old and disturbing habbit. I have begun buying toys again. Sigh. For those of you who don't know I used to be one of those people who had to own every single action figure that was in the Star Wars line. After a while I was running out of room, and more inportantly tolerance for Hasbro reissuing the same figures over and over again. (new cards or different paint or some thing stupid like that) So a while ago I sold all of my action figures (and got a nice little chunk of change for it) and haven't looked back since. It has been nice not going down the toy isle every time I go to the retard zoo or Target. Plus it has saved me tons of money. Well stupid Hasbro just had to go and make new toys for the new Trasnformer movie, and I noticed one of them (Blackout, who was my favorite from the new movie). I thought "eh, he is eightteen bucks that isn't bad and he looked pretty cool" so I bought it. I took it home and started trying to figure out how to transform him. Well after not being able to do it for a solid ten minutes I got the instructions and then figured it out. (by the way when did Transformers get so damn hard to transform that you need an advanced enginerring degree to do it?) So I played with it for a while longer and really liked the figure. He looks cool in robot mode (like he does in the movie) and he actually looks like the real helicopter when he goes to copter mode. He doen't have big stupid guns anywhere or anything stupid like that. Plus in helicopter mode there is a button you can push and it makes the rotors spin, which I thought was neat. And this is the best part, in robot mode the rotors can come off his back and he can hold them and use them as the spiny blades of death like he does in the movie (and you can still push the button and make them spin!). So after realling liking this one, and seeing some of the other ones both online and reading some reviews of them I went out on the search for them. Two days later and about eight trips to different stores later I have six of the them (counting the first one) including the expensive, big, really cool, Optimus Prime. I really have to say I think these are really cool. It has been since like ninteen eighty five since I have had a new Transformer toy, and these are so cool. But here is the problem, while from this line I only wanted the ones from the moive (I still need to get Bumblebee, Bonecrusher, maybe the leader class Devestator since the delux version is so small, and probally Jazz, and Scorponok. I can find the last two everywhere I just am debating if I really want them or not, the first two I can't find anywhere as I am looking for the new body style bumblebee not the old busted version) and I don't think I am going to get Megatron as I don't really like how he looks, but I am looking on Ebay for the old G1 toys that I had as a kid. So far I have only found one I actually want and that is Blitzwing. Most of the other G1 figures I think are stupid, but Blitzwing is really cool cause he transforms from a Bot, to a Tank, and then to a plane and I had him as a kid! This has no where to go but bad since I don' want one that is in bad condition and I really want one with the instructions since I remember not being able to get him to transform into one of the three options (like I could get him to go to robot and tank but not plane or something like that).

Damn you Hasbro, I hate you. At least I have limited my desire to buy them since I only want the cool ones from the movie (like I am not getting Ratchet since I think he is dumb in both truck and robot mode). But since the movie is doing so well we all know they will make another one (which makes me very happy!!) and I will have to get the toys from that one... I just hope I don't decide I want to buy other G1 toys because I think they are cool or because I didn't have them as a kid (like Megatron that turns into a gun, since my mom didn't like guns...) .

Oh well I am off to play with Optimus since I just got him tonight and just got him into truck mode now I need to see if I can figure out how to put him back into Robot mode.


Oh a side note, Dvd review if you are thinking about seeing the movie Derailed, pass. I couldn't even finnish the stupid thing. I got up to the point after the two main characters get mugged (and the girl gets raped) but I just didn't seem to care about either of them, and I think the movie makers expecting me to care about them for the rest of the story to work. I was really bored. Don't ask me how it ends, or anything that happens after about fourty minutes into it cause I have no idea. It's on it's way back to Netflix and is getting one star on my Netflix rating system.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

New Features?

Well hello boys and girls. I know it's been a while.. but I just haven't had anything to talk about. Nothing really new has happend. I am still unemployed, which sucks. I have been looking for things but nothing is really happening. I have put in apps. at a couple of places but with no call backs. (They were done online so no way of calling them) But on a more positive note, all this extra free time has helped me get some stuff done with the painting projects I have sitting around. Now of course these are not my personal projects, these are things people have commishioned me to do. I also have sold some of my props and costume parts that I am not using. I sold my ROTJ Boba rifle, and my Tusken raider mask (yes I use the tusken mask). I sold the tusken because I wasn't 100% happy with how it came out and I got more then I paid for it so it was a good deal. I am going to take the money I got from selling it and buy new snowtrooper armor and get it ready for Dragon Con! I am also happy to report that the guy who had me paint his ROTJ Boba bucket for him recieved it and LOVES it. That of course makes me fell better because I am always worried that someone won't like something I do for them. Espically when it comes to Fett stuff, since that crowd is so detail orientated.

But as the title suggests I am going to add a new feature to my blog. I am going to start adding movie reviews! Since I see at least one new movie a week (some times more) and I have opnions on them I figured I would share with you, my faithful readers. This post I am actually going to review several movies at once since all of them are new and all of them I have seen. So lets begin.

First up is going to be Live Free or Die Hard:
I went and saw this flick not really knowing what to expect. I am not a huge Bruce Willis fan, and I have only seen Die Hard 3. Well I can say I was very plesantly supprised. The movie was action packed, massive stunts, and decently acted. It helped that I really like Timithoy Olyphant (the bad guy in the flick). I also like Justin Long. (Also the cameo apperance by Kevin Smith didn't hurt either) While Willis pretty much gave the same performance as every other movie he has done. He is one of those actors that doesn't really make me believe his character, I don't see Dective McClane up there I see Bruce Willis. I must say despite BW hamming up the screen the rest of the movie was bad ass. The action was almost non-stop which was what I expected from a movie like this. It had a nice mix of gun fights, car chases, explosions, and fist fights. It even had a little martial arts (not from BW of course) from this hot little asian chick. Also for my inner Geek it had some nice Star Wars referances (including a Boba Fett one!). All in all I really enjoyed the movie. Don't go to it expecting great acting, a well planned story or anything like that, do go expecting a good time and lots of action. It is pretty much a perfect summer popcorn flick (even if you, like me, hate popcorn). I give it a solid B+

Next up is Transformers:
Now I must first start by saying, I grew up on Transformers, but I was never a huge fan. I liked the toys more then I liked the TV show. I couldn't name all of the original Autobots, nor Descipitcons. I knew of course who Optimus was, and Megaton, and Starscream but that was about it. I heard of Bumblebee but couldn't tell you what kind of car he was (prior to the movie). All that being said I had really high hopes for this flick. I know lots of people hate Michael Bay movies, and think he is a bad director. And I am sure in the grand scheme of things he really is. But he does know how do make an action film. This movie was pretty much fantastic. I loved almost every frame of it. I didn't mind the stupid humor, hell I even laughed a couple of times. I do think there are a few things that could have been done with out (the scene with the parents in the bedroom with the son embarrassing him was stupid) and the Sector 7 guy was badly written. ILM did the CGI for this flick, and it shows. The bots look amazing. But that is also their down fall, the bots are too detailed. I don't want to see the original look of the Transformers, but these were way too complex. When two of them would fight all you would see is a mass of car parts. It was way too hard to figure out which part belonged to which robot and even what part of the bot I was looking at. I think all of us would have been ok if they had a bit more armor and a bit less parts. I don't think anyone is going to be upset to not see where the tie rods or strut bars when the Bot is in Bot mode. One little thing and this one annoyed the poop out of the painter in me. When the bots are in robot mode their paint is scratched and weatherd. Ok fine I understand they have been fighting and what not that makes sense. But when they transform back into car mode they are shiny and new. Even when we first meet the Autobots all of them look weathered in Bot mode, but when they rolled up they were all shiny and new. Would it have killed them to just make them shiny and new in bot mode at the beging of the movie? Or weather the car mode later in the film?? Despite all my little nit pickings the movie was awesome! The action scenes were great, watching Blackout take out the army base at the begining was awesome. And then when Scopinox attacks the GIs in the desert OH MY GOD! Not to mention the Bumble-bee vs Barricade fight! Starscream vs. the Air Force's FA-22's FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC! I can't say this enough GO SEE THIS MOVIE IN THEATERS!!! I give it a very solid: A I actually liked it enough to go see it twice in theaters, and would probally go again if someone asked me to go with them. (the last movie I actually paid to see more then once was 300)

Last up (only by time line) is Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix:
Ok again I will start with some facts: I have not read any of the Harry Potter books. Sorry. I know they are good, but I am a visiual guy, I went to film school after all. I don't want to know what happens in the movies before I see them. (HP is the only series I feel this way about for some reason. I went out and bought the comic books for Ep2 and Ep3 Star Wars just to know what happens in them) I go totally spolier free for the movies. The most I want to know is what the offical trailers show me. So with all that being said on to the movie. OOP was quite well done. Once again we have a new director at the helm of this film, why they can't get one and keep him I don't know. (I liked the guy who did GOF) Don't get me wrong I liked what this director did with the film, I just think it is odd we need a new one every movie or every other movie. (I did not like the one who did POA). I think the transitions between scenes was neatly done this time around, with the Daily Prophet montages. I do think it was odd that OOP was the longest book to date yet it was the shortest movie. Why? Even though I didn't read the books I felt like the movie was leaving stuff out. The movie feels very rushed, almost too much. I wish they would have made this one three hours instead of two and paced it a little slower, and spent a little more time introducing the new characters a little more. I think the visiuals of this movie were fantastic, though not quite as stunning as GOF. I still think GOF is my favorite of the entire series. I plan to see OOP at least one more time in theaters since often I find with movies I like I tend to notice more things about them the second time around. I do wish they would have stuck with the original Death Eater costumes over the new ones, I think the new ones look like Dr. Doom rejects from Fantastic Four (which I also saw: C+) . I might have liked the new costumes if I had not seen the ones in GOF first. Yes I know the GOF ones remind everyone of the KKK, but I don't think they looked that much like them (the KKK usually wears white, red and green robes and hoods over their faces not skulls). I just think the skull masks were much more scary then the metal ones. The wizard fight at the end of the movie is amazing, it is the first time we get to see full adult wizards using powerful magic at each other. I wish it would have been a bit longer (the fight). All in all I really liked this one too. It gets a very strong: A (though it really would have had to have been terrible to get less then a B+)

I know it seems I haven't seen a movie yet that I didn't really like. Well I will just put in some letter grades for some other summer flicks I have seen:
Fantasitc Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer: C+
Spider Man 3: B-
Ratatouille: B+
Knocked Up: B

Things I am looking forward to seeing:
I Now Prononuce you Chuck and Larry
The Simpsons Movie
Skinwalkers (maybe?)
The Borne Ultimatum
Hot Rod
Rush Hour 3

Some things I will not be seeing:
Hairspray (John Trovolta in a fat woman thanks)
I Know Who Killed Me (Lohan thanks)
Who's Your Caddie (just a terrible title, it can't be good)
Underdog (as much as I like Jason Lee I just can't bring myself to see this piece of shit)
Bratz (need I say more???)
Daddy Day Camp (well I didn't see Daddy Day Care, and I am not going to. Man what happend to Cuba Gooding Jr.? Did he used to make good movies?)

Wow it was a long one today. I hope you enjoyed your self. And please send me money.

Monday, July 2, 2007


Once again I wanted a new paragraph but couldn't make one. So you are probally reading these all wrong. Look at the right hand side of your screen, use the nav bar to find them in correct order. But what I wanted to write about in this new lovley paragraph is that my foot surgery went fine. My toe looks all kinds of ugly now but that is life. Soon the pain from the surgery (which isn't really that bad) will go away and I will be able to walk normal and put shoes on with out excrutiating pain! Won't that be exciting! Well I am going to finnish this now becuase I am hungry and I need to make food. So adios.

AHH stupid computers!

So I wanted to make a new paragraph under that last one but for some reason the ENTER button wouldn't do anything. Not real sure why. So now that I have been fired you might be asking your self "Self? How on earth can Mark be online if he isn't at work???" Well friends the answer is simple, what do I do when I loose my only source of income? Well I go out and get a new bill to pay every month. That's right I went out and got internet at home. So now I can search for jobs....and look at porn at home. This of course did not come without it's own set of new problems. For one my computer is several years old now, nearly seven or so I think. So that means it isn't what you would call "up to date" it runs slow, it freezes up all the damn time (I think I have restarted about twenty times today alone) and it won't download a lot of the new software it needs. I can't for some reason open this website in internet explorer. I can open it in AOL just fine (minus the ENTER key thing) but who wants to be in stupid AOL all the damn time? NOT ME!


Suspended....pending termination. So I wasn't so much suspended as I was fired. I mean I was suspended until I went in and signed the stupid paper work but it didn't matter. I had a strong feeling that was the case. My stupid manager was just too much of a coward to tell me to my face. I think I am actually more mad now that he didn't tell me then I would have been if he would have just manned up and told me to my face. What kind of a manager is he that he can't even have the diginaty to fire someone. As I said COWARD!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


So today has been just one giant shit-fest. I came in last night and the night manager (not supervisor but actual manager) told me that the big boss (the one I spoke with when I was asking for a promotion) was coming in first thing in the morning to talk to me. I have learned that when the boss wants to talk to you it is not a good thing. If it was good he would just send an e-mail or something. So I asked her if she knew what it was about, she said she thought it had something to do with me calling in sick over the weekend. (I called in Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) I asked her was I not allowed to get sick? She replied that she thought it was more to do with the time of day I called in vs. actually calling in (which I would have been fine with since I called in about thirty minutes to an hour before my shift started each day as I was trying to get up to come in). So morning comes, and he actually shows up early to talk to me (which I know isn't a good sign since he is the one that never keeps appointments). I finnish my work and go to his office to talk. He lays it down that since I called in this weekend and I had been late ONE DAY since he talked to me several weeks ago that I was being suspended. He asked me if I had a doctors note for calling in, to which I replied "No since I don't run to the doctor everytime I get the flu. I have had thousands of flus over my life and at this point I know what a doctor would say 'Get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids'." Plus Mom had the revelation that it was the weekend and I couldn't have gone to see a doctor even if I wanted to. So I asked if I was being punished for being sick? He said I wasn't being "punished" but rather some other stupid wording that ment the same thing. I said that he was argueing semanticts and that what ever word he used and punished ment the same thing. He went on to say that it was excessive the amount of days I have been late and called in sick (in my entire year and three months I have been here) to which I responded "where is it spelled out how many days I can be late or sick? I want to see in black and white how many days in a month, six months, a year etc. I can call in sick or be late. What is excessive if it isn't defined anywhere??" He resonded "that the managment is left to decide what is excessive." I just think that it is bullshit that I can get suspended for calling in sick, it's not like I call in sick often, hell before this month I hadn't called in in like four months. I had sick time saved up that I was planning on using for these days so if I had managed to save up enough sick time to take three days off how could I have been excessive?? I am so angry I don't even know what to do. I don't know if I was even supposed to come in tonight, the boss was supposed to call me during the day to tell me when I had to go speak with HR and he never did. I called him three times and left voice mail asking if he had spoken with HR and if I was supposed to come into work tonight or not. He never called me back. On the last message I left I said that if I didn't hear from him I was going to assume I was supposed to come to work tonight.

To top things off my god damn paypal account is still sitting at a negitive balance since the ass-bag from e-bay was too impatient to wait a couple of days for me to ship his stupid items and filed a claim with paypal. So now I can't get money sent into that account so I am having to have money sent to Eric's paypal account. I have sent the moron several e-mails telling him to fix it and he still hasn't. The items have been delievered and he still sits. That douche.

If things weren't bad enough I looked at my bank account tonight and noticed that I have eight dollars and change to my name right now. Mom loaned me a hundred dollars on Sunday but several things were deleyed in going through so I had less money then I thought I had which is why I am so broke. Plus e-bay took their twenty some odd dollar selling fees this week, and my damn netflix went through, both of those I wasn't expecting. I think I need to start looking for another job, maybe two depending on how long I am going to be suspended for.

What is it about life that when things get bad everything gets bad all at once?? I can never have just one problem I have to have ten. One or two I could deal with and fix, everything all at once is overwhelming.

Thursday I go into the foot doctor to have surgery on my toe..again..for the twentyith god damn time. I was planning on going down to West Palm so I could lounge around Mom and Dad's place while my foot healed but now I don't know if I can afford to do that.

Friday, June 22, 2007

With no more guilding the lilly....

I'm back cats and kittens! Here we are again gathered around your computer screen, reading my words instead of looking at interent porn. Man you need a better hobby. Just kidding with you. So once again I am at work, and once again I am alone... this time it wasn't someone calling in or anything it was planned this way. I really hope that when it is time for performance reviews (which in turn means raises!) they remeember who is the only person they trust to stay here alone! So help me if I get a bad review I am going to burn the building down with everyone trapped inside. (no I'm not so don't anyone get all nurvous or call me a terrorist or anything) There was something I wanted to write last night, but I forgot what it was...perhaps later I will remember. Tonight is going so-so as of now. The overnight F/D monkey is starting to get on my nerves tonight. He doesn't seem to be able to solve any problem on his own, even simple shit. It's annoying as hell to have to tell him what to do when someone needs to find a pharmacy right now, and then exctally how to do it.

So tomorrow marks the first day of the last weekend of Star Wars Weekends at Disney. I still haven't, at two thirty six in the AM, decided which costume I am going to wear tomorrow. I don't know why I am having such a hard time deciding but it is being a pain in the ass.

I haven't been sleeping well these last couple of days, and I am not real sure why. But it has been a nice chance to get some stuff done I needed to. I got Garry's Seethreepeeo head all painted and finnished, I got all the prep work done on the clone long rifle I have, and the Boba Fett ROTJ helmet for a TDH member done. All of that has been nice, not sleeping has not been so nice...

Speaking of not so nice, I got my car insurance reinstated and while that is a good thing the two hundred and seventy dollars it cost me wasn't. All that becuase Mom couldn't figure out how to make the auto-pay feature work correctally. She set it up (according to her) but it never worked correctally, and for some reason I never got a bill. So my insurance got cancelled, I found out when the state sent me a letter saying my DL was going to be suspended. So I got it fixed but man I am pissed about it. So now of course I am broke, and the new girl at work was supposed to be taking some Disney tickets from me to the tune of two hundred dollars worth and now she isn't. I hate counting on other people for money and then them falling through.

Ah I did remember what I wanted to talk about's the moron. Some how she is regressing in her ability to do her job. On two seperate nights she did the first half of the audit when I wasn't here. On both of these nights she managed to screw it up. The report that I fill out everynight that is part of the first half of the audit tells you when you don't do it correctally, as soon as you finnish it. All of the other reports that are done at night don't do this, you would have to have someone notice the problem and then e-mail you with what you did wrong. Not this report, intant confirmation if you did it right or not. Somehow the moron did the report wrong, on both nights she was here, and didn't even attempt to correct it. One night she just left it, the next night she just told the new girl "tell who ever(as if she didn't know it was going to be me!) does the report that it was off yesterday". NO SHIT MORON! THE REPORT TELLS ME THAT! I of course had to go back in on both days and figure out why she was off, and correct them. It took me all of thirty seconds to correct the first day, and less then five to correct the second day, that is how stupid she is. I really wish stupidity hurt the stupid, in the end it only really hurts the rest of us.

Well I think I will leave you with these final words of wisdom, if you can't think of a single one of your friends whom you are smarter then, you are the idiot of your group. Perhaps it's time to work on that, and I mean fix your self not find dumber friends.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Man I don't want to be here tonight!

So here I am again... I wish I wasn't here....but alas I am. I called in yesterday, not because I was sick or anything I just didn't want to come in. Well what actually happened is after SWW I went to lunch with a group of my friends and after lunch I went home. It was around two thrity when I went home. I went pretty much right to sleep, I think I was actually sleeping by three thrity. I set my alarm to wake me up at ten pm. Needless to say that didn't happen. I woke up at ten fourty (mind you I needed to leave at ten thrity) and decided that instead of being late and getting yelled at for that I would just call in. So I did. And I went right back to sleep. It was fantastic! I slept all night long until seven thrity in the AM. I got up and went to Star Wars weekends and was wide awake and fresh for that. Of course I was up all damn day since I got so much sleep so now I am tired all over again but stuck here at work. It was pretty funny though when I called in the manager got on the phone and said that it was just the moron and the new front desk monkey and asked me if I thought they would be which I promptly responded, " I don't think she will be". I got off the phone and had a solid chuckle over that bit. But I guess the manager took what I said to heart as she had one of the day time f/d (front desk, I am going to start writing that as such from now on) monkeys stay untill four thrity. And from what the f/d monkey told me her and the moron nearly had it out! It was fantastic.

So speaking of the moron, the managers, and me, I guess I can tell you that I talked to the big boss about the promotion on Saturday... and no, I am not getting it. His answer is that it "isn't in the budget right now." Now I don't know if that is the real answer or if he is just being nice and telling me no without being mean. I did manage to vent most of my problems about the moron to him though and he said he was going to talk with her about them.

So just one more weekend of Star Wars weekends left, then nothing until Dragon Con. I don't know how I feel about that, I mean I have really enjoyed the marching and what not but I am kind of tired of doing it. What am I saying?? No I am enjoying every minute of it! As a matter of fact check out a couple of pics of the event. I only have pics of me in the tusken but I have worn my Boba twice as well.
That is me on the right:
Me on the left:

And me holding hands with the female tusken:

Well that is all for now. Who knows I might have more to talk about later if I think of something else to say. So until then...

Saturday, June 16, 2007

I'm not dead, are you?

I forgot to put in the last post a fun thing I have been doing for years. If you don't see someone for a while (more then a few days think months or years) assume they are dead. Don't take other people's word for it that they aren't dead tell your self they are until you see them again. Trust me it feels really nice when you see someone you thought to be dead isn't. Plus they always get excited when you look really excited to see them, little do they know it's because you thought they were sleeping with the fishes. Try it out, it's a little sad at first, but eventually you get used to thinking everyone is dead and then the sadness goes away and the good times roll.

I have returned!

So I am back! I went down to my unit's house on Wednesday and came home today. Man that made for a long day today! I got up at like six fourty five this morning and I only got like a two hour nap this evening. I went home to get my truck fixed and just to get out or Orlando for a couple of days. I wanted to see Julie again, but she was having a bad couple of days and didn't want to see anyone. I feel bad for her as I think something really bad is going on and she won't tell me what it is. Other then that I didn't do shit the entire time I was down there but watch TV and eat at a few of my favorite places down there. It was also nice because Wednesday night I went and bought some steaks and grilled them for all of us Thursday night Mom made roast which I enjoyed of course.

So I know I mentioned that I was going to ask my boss for a promotion, well he was a no-show the other morning, I guess he forgot about me. I saw him today when I came in to pick up my check and he said he will be here at seven am tomorrow, let's see if he actually shows this time! I just looked at the schedule for next week and once again the new girl managed to get the damn weekend off. That is the fifth week in a row! I am getting pretty pissed about that shit. And as if that wasn't bad enough she is also taking four days off next week which is screwing up my days off once again! Also one of the nights I have to work alone, agian. All of this further proves my point that i NEED a promotion, since I am the only one they trust enough to have work alone as I am the only one who can get the job done and correctally. It also seems that the moron has started pawning her work off on the new front desk monkey at nights. It's not like her work load has incresed, or gotten harder some how, but she has found someone who she can take advantage of and is now doing so. I don't think this is fair as he doesn't get paid to do this kind of shit, and she won't ask me for help, not that I want to do it even if she does. She has stopped coming out to the front desk area and instead sits in the back office all by her self. When I am here that is fine, as I don't want to hear her mumble to her self all night, and he massive mess of papers that she always makes is unprofessional for guests to see, but when she is here with the new girl she does it as well, and that is unacceptable. The new girl isn't confortable enough with the computer system to have to check in all the guests alone. When I speak with the manager tomorrow I will bring these issues up with him as well.

So on a more fun note, Star Wars weekends is once again this weekend! I will be wearing my Tusken on Saturday and Boba on Sunday again. Next week is the last week of the thing so that will kind of suck, it also sucks because I can't have the night off Friday or Saturday because the damn new girl took them off again. But it has been a fun run and it couldn't last forever.

Oh if anyone reading this has the abilty to do drawings, concept art sort of stuff shoot me a PM on what ever board you know me from or e-mail me. I need some concept art done for a project I am working on. It would need to be very well done (think McQuarrie art from Star Wars kind of stuff) and it will be SW themed.

And last for now is that LAAN from TDH knew what my quote from last post was from, it was Stan Lee in the older Spider-man comics and TV show. So points to him.

Well until next time...never eat blue beef, I don't care what anyone tells you. Yellow snow is never lemon flavored, lemons don't just fall off the tree, spit their jucie all over the snow and wait for you to eat it. Even if they did I think lemons only grow when it is warm out. If something says "if accidentally swallowed call posion control" you should still call them if you drank it on purpose.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

I have no idea what to put here...

So welcome back true believers! (that's a nice old school nerd referance bonus points to anyone who can tell me what it's from) (oh and yes these points will count toward something in the end) So here I am again, bored, at work, Dewless. This has been an interesting week so far, first work had us start coming in a half hour later and leaving a half hour later, which sucks hard core. Also this week they have decided that the entire lobby needed to be re-painted. Which of course means they had to sand off the old paint and start anew. This led to me sitting in the back office to avoid the sanding dust, since I don't want another trip to the hospital since those aren't really fun. But that has actually been a good thing, as I can listen to internet radio back here, as though I needed one less thing that was work related to distract me. I have decided that I am going to talk to my manager here and ask for a promotion. Before Jeff left he was the Night Audit supervisor and I feel that now he is gone I am filling that role. When problems arise they turn to me to fix them and even the moron is now refering people to me when people ask who the manager on duty is. I feel if I have to deal with this kind of stuff then I should get paid more to do so. I sent an e-mail to my manager asking to sit down with him sometime next week to ask him about this. I didn't tell him what I wanted in the e-mail.

So I am really enjoying Star Wars weekends at Disney. I have been marching in my Tusken Raider as I didn't bother to fix the problems I had with my Boba after CIV. I also finally showed pics of my completed Boba on TDH and it has been very well recieved. Which makes me pretty happy since I was feeling ify about it. I do think that after I replace my ammo belt and get the new rocketpack from Lee I am done with this costume. I also think that even before then it is going to go on a maniquin at home and reside there. I don't know why but I have lost a lot of desire to troop in that costume. I am really enjoying trooping in the tusken raider, and soon I will have new snowtrooper armor. I am also once again thinking about building a Jango cosutme. I don't know why but I just want to. I also want to build a droid, probally Arfive (the one that blows his motivator in ANH to let Artoo go with threepeeo) but I don't know that I have the time, space, and most importantly the paitence to build one. I still want to build a scout trooper, and now things are looking like I am going to build a Republic Commando with Dave and Randy and maybe Rick.

Oh I mentioned looking at dating sites, as I thought nothing of any intrest. I did get two e-mails from two different girls but both were, um, whats the nice way to say this, fat? fat and ugly? no that isn't the nice way, um just not my type. Yea that's better.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

I Live!

WOw so I am back from CIV and alive! I know I have been really slacking on the updates but too bad. But as stated I am back from LA and back at work. Celebration was a total blast, the convention was a ton of fun and it was great hanging out with everyone. I also got to meet new people who I now call good friends. Once again the Florida boyz took home the Droid Hunt title! This time we had a new addition to our team, an Ausie from Japan (I am not sure about that one either?) named Stewart and his wife Miko (she spotted for him) and he rocked the casba! Our winning tally on driods was four hundred and sixty six...the second place team had a hundred and twenty nine! Stewart got a hundred and nine all by him self, talk about an amazing first DH for him. Our number would have been more but we kept a hand full of droids for our selfs as keepsakes and we got the artist who drew them to sign them for us. The only thing I didn't like about the convention was that it was in LA. That city is a sespool if I have ever seen one. If i never go back there it will be too soon, but of course since I said that the next damn celebration will be there! Garry once again decided he was going to break the world record for longest time in stormtrooper armor without taking it off (of course it was his own record he was beating this time...). His old record was seventy five and a half hours. This go around he broke eighty five. While I was excited for him, my nose wasn't. Come Sunday night when he took the armor off and more importanly the boots off I nearly threw up the smell was so bad. I have never smelled anything worse in my life. I described it as a homeless person who had had chinese food and refried beens taking a shit up your nostrils. It was so bad we had to take the damn boots out of the room just so we all didn't puke all over the place. Dave got the terrible job of doing that, he got one of the laundry plastic bags and wrapped his hand in it. He then grabbed the boots and neckseal and ran them out the front door all while holding a pillow over his nose and mouth to help with the smell. he said the texture was like a slightly dried up dog turd, kind of hard while still squishy in the middle. He said he could also feel the wetness through the bag...ew. The best part of the entire ordeal was after they went outside Chrsitine (Dave's wife) asked "what if somebody steals them?" we all got a good hard laugh out of that since we really thought if anyone got close enough to steal them with out a breath mask or a biohazard suit they would actually die. I have lots of other fun stories from the week but I don't feel like typing them all here. The TDH dinner went so so, the company was great, and the food was ok but it took forever to get food. This was not our waitress's fault as she did a great job, but I do blame the managers for only giving us one waitress and not preparing her at all. I had two panels on costuming that I gave (one on tusken raiders and the other on Boba Fett) both went really well. I had people come up to me all weekend telling me how much they enjoyed them. That made me feel good since I was afraid everyone was going to think they were really boring. I was sad to have to come home and back to work but it's all good. Because now Star Wars weekends are going on at Disney/MGM Studios! So I still get to see friends and costume so it has been a nice transition.

I did find out that I am not allowed to take long vacations anymore since while I was gone all hell broke loose here at work. The moron and the new girl did not get on well while I was gone. They had just problem after problem after problem. But it did have a couple of good outcomes first work figured out that the moron is a moron and needs training and that they really need me here! So while I was pissed that I had to fix nearly a weeks worth of problems I am glad they figured out the two above mentioned parts.

Well kids I am going to run, I need some Dew and I think I am going to browse the online dating sites in the off chance I can some how find the hot, single, straight/bi, nerd loving, star wars fan girl who wants me...somehow I think this isn't going to go well.